sábado, 2 de maio de 2020

Leo di Caprio for food and Corona: 20 millions. Leonardo di Caprio arrecada 20 milhões para fundos anti fome com deNiro.

Leonardo di Caprio got together with some Hollywood Names to raise funds for those afected by Corona Virus. They've reach the a mountain of 20 millions for who was hit more directly by the vírus consequences in US economy. Trump signed 3.6 billions to provide for the pandemia's consequences, And his daughter, Ivanka, wish to show a Guy with mental disfunctions as an example of a cafeteria's employee. Ivanka'seconomy's lifestyle? Looks like her father. As money not always match with good purposes and a responsible government, Argentina's president showed up in a video with a dog's sketch. Guess what? After he "forget" about 200 argentinians sleeping at the airport in Rio, without food, And with flights cancelled, after he decided to close the frontiers. Wow! Do you prefer Hollywood during Quarentine? (I Rollywood)

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